Organizational Restructuring
Organizations are human systems and their system structure includes the worldview, beliefs, and mental models of their leaders and members. Changing organizational behavior requires changing the belief system of its personnel. This process of changing beliefs is called learning. Effective learning requires clear, open communications throughout the organization.
Organizational performance ultimately rests on human behavior and improving performance requires changing behavior. Therefore organizational restructuring should have as a fundamental goal the facilitation of clear, open communication that can enable organizational learning and clarify accountability for results.
Since the world is continually changing, continuous organizational learning is necessary to stay up to date. Organizations that cannot or will not learn will become obsolete. Leaders should periodically examine the organizational structure of their enterprise to assure that it continues to provide an environment for organizational learning. A non threatening, development focused performance appraisal process can be an effective organizational learning tool.
Financial Restructuring
Financial difficulty can creep up on a company, only to be noticed when it’s almost too late. While running the day-to-day affairs, it’s easy to become busy to the point of overlooking small issues. Over time, these issues can add up and grow, until the company is facing a crisis they never saw coming. In such cases, finding the underlying causes can be a time-consuming and difficult process, often requiring the help of an outside company. Not addressing certain problems upfront, or simply hoping that they will fix themselves, is the best way to see a company crumble from within.
On the other hand, when tough decisions need to be made, there is often a fear of making the wrong ones. At Business Capital, we specialize in financial restructuring for businesses facing such situations. As an outside third party, we have the ability to properly assess a business’s needs and prescribe the proper remedy.
With a tested methodology and results, Manoj Vatsal & Co. gives you a finer solution for your Organizational and Financial Restructuring, right from basic restructuring, evaluation, audit, certification and various standardization processes with specific financial tools and professional methodologies implemented.